Antal Lázár DLA
Kossuth and Príma Award architect
University Professor
Erika Bartos is one of the polyhistors of our era, who merges architecture, high-level writing and the art of drawing. She is summarising the above three for the education and entertainment of children and to familiarise people with the values and treasures of Hungary. Children are receptive to good, therefore Erika Bartos feels obliged to utilise her talent to draw the attention of children to the values of their town, environment, natural and built surroundings in a storytelling and illustrated form. She has achieved this in her book entitled “A Tour Around the City of Pecs”, where the lovely characters discuss the world-famous buildings, squares and sights of the city during their walks and adventures. But the characters are not only visiting the historic monuments and buildings, but also the latest sights for example the recently renovated and improved Zsolnay quarter, the new library and the Kodály Concert Hall and Centre. Erika Bartos, maybe the most widely-read author of juvenile literature in Hungary has done a great favour to the city of Pécs, by introducing the past and present of Pécs in a novel manner.
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Bachman DLA
Kossuth and Ybl Award architect
The biggest merit of the book entitled Hoppie’s Tales is that finally we can see a book, which is published for children presenting the topic of architecture. It is rather rare in Hungarian literature. Taking into consideration that the candidate is not only an architect, but a mother of three, her book is pervaded by authenticity, expertise, sweetness of a woman and mother, which turns the book into an outstandingly valuable piece of work. The author uses simple and transparent graphics to show the sights of the city of Pécs embedded in a fairytale. The book speaks of quality editing and great taste.